Studio Shifuku

Your Shifuku
Care and tying
Your shifuku has taken hours of meticulous handcrafting to create, it's only right I give you some tips for handling it.
You might already know how to handle a shifuku but chances are, even if you're a Chanoyu student or practitioner, you've probably only handled older shifuku. A new shifuku is a bit different and needs a little help to settle in and take the shape of the piece inside it. In the first video I offer some tips for fitting your shifuku when you first receive it.
If you're not a student of Chanoyu then it's only right that you know how to tie it. In the second video below I take you through the two principle ways of tying a shifuku, how to close and open it. If you already study Chanoyu, please continue to tie your shifuku the way your teacher has instructed. See the knots section below.

A note on Knots
Different ways of tying
In the world of Chanoyu, there are many different schools of tea, each with its own unique way of doing things—including how knots are tied. No single method is the "right" way to tie a shifuku knot. Various utensils like chaire, chawan, and natsume each have specific knot styles that vary between schools. There are also different knots for short or long cords, knots that indicate whether a tea caddy is full or empty, resting knots for storage, and even secret or level-specific knots. In some incense schools, the knot changes monthly!
I tie my knots following my school’s teachings but with my own artistic touch. This allows me to showcase the handmade himo cord and to distinguish my work when it’s displayed or photographed. When using one of my shifuku, please tie with the knotting technique specific to your tea or incense tradition.

茶の湯の世界には様々な流派があり、それぞれの流派特有の点前や所作において様々な違いがあるのですが、仕覆の紐の結び方もまた然り。茶入、茶碗、棗、志野袋など、それぞれの袋物によって結び方が異なりますし、短緒、長緒と紐の長さの違い、点前の途中の紐の結び方、休め紐の結びの違い、更に奥伝や道具によって違った結び方もあります。 また、香道では月毎に結び方を変える場合も。 私も通常は流派の教えに従っていますが、展示や撮影の際には紐の結び方を変えて作品の個性を 強調する事があります。